I never thought I would say this, but my family has GOT to quit washing dishes!
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I never did enjoy tetris.. |
We just got a new dishwasher recently and we used it for the the second time last night....What tends to happen, because we've been without a working dishwasher for over a year now, we'll wash three bowls, all the silverware, two plates and three cups and THEN remember we have a dishwasher and put the last single dish in the dishwasher by its lonesome. Where it then waits for possibly a week, because that cycle continues and it takes forever to for us to fill the dishwasher to use it. I don't mean to complain, gettin in the habit of washin' my dishes was great, and it lead to other cleanin' habits and havin' a dishwasher is wonderful! I just think its humorous that we don't use it.
I'm going to come out and say it....I've postponed my whole30 challenge. Failure, loser, weakling, weiner, whatever your choice of word to describe my decision I don't care. Since school has started back its been busy, and already loads on loads on loads of homework, readings, and quizzes. The campus ministry that I'm involved in had an incredible first large group session, fillin' the room and it sounded so good when we were singin', it filled my heart with joy! We've given our hearts grief to those who already lost loved ones this year and are workin' diligently in our ministry teams to find more Mercy ministry in statesboro, connect with more students on campus through hospitality, make those who are new or have been here aquainted withone another through social settings, and worship through music durin' large group.
I am so excited about everything that is happenin', and not knowing what's goin' happen is half the fun!
So with all of that, and honestly I really could finish and be ok, but I can feel the stress levels rising with every meal that I'm carefully figuring out. I've decided it would be better to wait til the next time my family does the whole30 later this semester. I am so proud of those who are still on it and goin' strong though! You are doin' such a great job and I can't wait to hear the results of everyone's experience.
Just because I'm stoppin' my time in whole30 does not mean I will be goin' back to grains, or processed sugars, even some dairies, and not even beans. (We had some people over last night and had baked beans for them...I hadn't realized til then how gross, they looked and felt and even sounded when you stirred them..yuck!) I love the way I feel in the mornin's when I wake up, and throughout the day, I have more energy to push myself in my workouts, and I finish my "To do" lists almost everyday!
I've decided to get into the power liftin' part of crossfit as well. David Purser, personal trainer at the RAC, is teachin' me technique right now and helpin' me with weight. I was doin' cleans and jerks with a 4lb bar yesterday on the mats, and I felt pretty silly. Then David used his wise words to remind me about the importance of making sure the form is right, "If you can't do it right with 4lbs, you won't be able to do it right with 400lbs." He then went on to say I'll more than likely never do 400lbs, cause most women that can do that are...not so femenine anymore. I'm more than ok with stayin' femenine. Anyways, after workin' with the 4lb bar for a while I got to do the actual weights bar, I don't know the correct term for it..sorry! Then I got to try the jerks and some squats with added weight, and I really thought it was fun! I decided after lifting that I still felt pretty good and wanted to do a little more of my workout so I chose to run...well I felt like this:
I look so damn good right now
But what I really looked like was this.... |
Ya'll my legs were jello and I didn't know it until I had already started runnin'. It's like if you've been on the elliptical or stair stepper for a while and you get off and you just can't walk right because of the motion you've been doin'. So I decided to stop before I fell, or put myself in anymore of an akward looking situation. Regardless of the mess I looked like, I really enjoyed the workout.
Let me hear of your funny stories to, I love reading them! Have a great day ya'll!
Many Blessings!
Did I ever tell you about the time I was doing squats on the smith machine and on the floor beside me a dude was lying under a weighg bar w/ 45s on either end and doing leg raises. Half way through a lift he let one rip. It rumbled through the entire weightroom. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, I was the only other one in there. He was mortified, but since gross bodily functions humor me, we became fast friends.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha no! I was doin' power lifting today with David purser again, and I always think about that. What if I'm tryin' really hard and something just goes...oh well!