Friday, January 11, 2013

Pancakes FAUX Fancakes

I'm happy to inform you(and sad to say) I just figured out how to, and added the followers gadget to my profile...Don't judge, follow.
So if you're anythin' like me you really enjoy a stack of pancakes, and waffles are out of this world delicious, and maple syrup really satisfies your tastebuds but cane syrup truly tickles your fancy.

Well, ya'll, I'll tell ya what I want, what I REALLY REALLY want...
I find the spicegirls really get me. Anyone else?

I want waffles and pancakes. I'm sure most if not all of ya'll know pinterest and have perused its categories(especially the fitness and food, or at least I do..). Well I came across a recipe for "pancakes" and I did some tweaking of my own and they taste exactly like banana nut bread; let's be real with ourselves, banana nut bread is the bees knees.
Now this is not for whole30, although it keeps within the guidelines of whole30. Since its pancakes, it keeps your mindset in the thought of your still eating flour, so this would be more suitable for those who are just doing paleo. The base mix for the pancakes is just two ingredients and you can add whatever you'd like to give them your signature!
Base mix for Pnacakes FAUX Fancakes:
2 eggs
1 ripe banana
 *1 batch makes about 7 small pancakes
Banana Nut Fancakes:
2 eggs
1 ripe banana
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch! of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice
1/4 chopped nuts
  • Mix banana and eggs till somewhat smooth. I've been mixing it by hand so it doesn't come out completely smooth like batter, but if you mixed it in a stand mixer I'm sure they would be smooth. If that's a neccesary must for you.
  • Add vanilla and mix throughout
  • Add all your dry ingredients and mix well throughout
    Heat 1tbsp coconut oil in a skillet.You'll want to keep your stove on a lower heat setting, it only takes the pancakes about 30-45 seconds to get a good cook on each side.  They can be a little difficult to flip, and the sides don't cook up like regular flour batter does, so take your time and don't try to rush.
    If you absolutely must have maple or cane syrup, opt for a more organic kind rather than just good old log cabin(my favorite) or mrs. buttersworth(bleh).
What's absolutely wonderful is cut up a banana and place in a small skillet and add cinnamon and heat til the banana is warm and soft or crispy if you'd like. Add some of your syrup to the skillet and let warm. Top your banana nut fancakes with this then sprinkle a little salt on top, or if you like spice, add a little chili powder to your bananas and syrup. You won't regret it I promise!  
*1 batch makes about 7 small pancakes
I hope you try the pancakes and enjoy them! Let me know what ways you make them, and I'll try them when I finish whole30! Keep up the great work other whole30iers, and have a great day! Blessings!


  1. This sounds great...such a good idea. I love pancakes but they have so many carbs. I'm going to try these!

  2. The faux pancakes aren't on the Whole30 because of ... the syrup? If I left off the syrup, could I eat them??? Or is it the limited fruit that forbids them? I really need the potassium - my restless leg syndrome (self-diagnosed, ahem) is really bothering me this last week. I've not had a problem for a while, but with the limited food options, it has returned. Very frustrating.
    Love you, Babe! Thanks for the help and encouragement!

    1. They aren't on whole30 because of the mind set it could put you in. other than the syrup you can eat all you want. I think it would be fine to eat them, if you wanted to make sure ask christan!
