It's the spring semester and everyone has been back from the two biggest holidays our society has: Thanksgivin', and Christmas. Everyone has indulged a little and more likely a lot, and now has spring break in their sights and wants the perfect body, to go with that perfect swim suit, to impress the perfect guy... Now I love the beach, I love the sun, the water, I even love the sand. I love how you can smell the salt water and there's always a breeze, but I do not love this time of year when everyone on campus is in the gym. Don't be offended if I come up and tell you you're using the leg press as a squat machine and you need to get off( but you should probably be embarrassed cause thats just sad...). If you don't know what I'm talking about...
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No, you really don't know what the hell you're doin'. |
One of the biggest tips that I can give you for workin' out in general is, if you have a question about how to use somethin', ask it. Don't be embarrassed, because it will be way more embarrassin' when you're doin' the above and someone comes to tell you you're wrong and you have to get off. Or you don't read the description on the machine weights and you end up hurting yourself and you can't workout for the next two weeks because of it. Ask people what they're doin' and if they don't wanna talk to you or don't say anythin' chances are they either don't know what they're doin' either or they hate life(..kidding).
So, ask questions if you need to, or ask someone if they'll show you how to use a machine. This makes the gym goin' experience for everyone better, veterans won't get completely pissed at you for takin' a half hour on one machine and new people won't be following in those footsteps but hopefully the footsteps of asking for help. Now that I've had my rant about that here is another fast workout for you to try. This is not an at home workout unless you just happen to have a rowing machine in your house.
*Note: I am not a certified personal trainer. Doing this workout may result in injury.
(This means FINISHING the workout in the fastest amount of time you can)
500m Row
50 squats
500m Row
50 squats
400m Row
40 crossfit sit-ups
300m Row
30 push ups
200m Row
20 walking lunges(Each Leg)
100m Row
10 burpees
I'll start posting my more in depth, and more weight training related workouts very soon.
Again, I'm not a certified personal trainer, and you should always work with someone incase of injury. Drink plenty of fluids(like water..not coke or sprite...), and stretch!
I'll start posting my more in depth, and more weight training related workouts very soon.
Again, I'm not a certified personal trainer, and you should always work with someone incase of injury. Drink plenty of fluids(like water..not coke or sprite...), and stretch!
Let me know if you have any questions, or workouts that you love to do!
Bless ya'll!
Bahaha! Seriously, people try to use the leg press like that? I would insert a GSU crack here, but since I graduated from there.....Anyway, I tried a "Kettle bell hell" class yesterday and had my tush kicked. But I was the only one the class so it was like I had a personal trainer and that was pretty cool. Love you!